Patron Policies
Terms of Use
- This web site is governed and controlled by the statutes and ordinances of the State of Texas and the Harrington Library Consortium (HLC). All use of the web site shall conform to all HLC, State and federal laws, rules and regulations.
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- The Harrington Library Consortium makes no representation concerning the accuracy, copyright compliance or legality of material found via links to outside web pages. The Harrington Library Consortium reserves the right to refuse to post any website link.
- The Harrington Library Consortium does not warrant or make representations or endorsements as to the quality, content, or accuracy of the information, text, graphics, links and other information contained on this website or any other website. Such materials have been compiled from a variety of sources and are subject to change without notice from the Harrington Library Consortium as a result of updates and corrections.
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- This may require that the information be shared with another Harrington Library Consortium department. This information is not shared with or sold to any other organizations outside of the Harrington Library Consortium. However, the Harrington Library Consortium does cooperate with law enforcement agencies in their official investigations, and, will provide them with any requested information that HLC may possess from any source.
- This privacy policy is subject to change at any time by the Harrington Library Consortium.
- In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Harrington Library Consortium is committed to making its website accessible as outlined in the Federal government’s recommendations, “Accessibility of State and Local Government Websites to People with Disabilities.” The HLC will implement these standards on new pages and older pages as they are modified.
- Questions or comments about this policy should be directed to the Harrington Library Consortium Webmaster.
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- The material is used for information only and is used for non-commercial purposes only.
- Any other reproduction, retransmissions, or republication of all or part of any document found on this site is expressly prohibited, unless explicitly granted by the Harrington Library Consortium.
- Copyright © 2010 Harrington Library Consortium, Texas. All rights reserved.